6 research outputs found

    Symbolic Object Code Analysis

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    Current software model checkers quickly reach their limit when being applied to verifying pointer safety properties in source code that includes function pointers and inlined assembly. This paper introduces an alternative technique for checking pointer safety violations, called Symbolic Object Code Analysis (SOCA), which is based on bounded symbolic execution, incorporates path-sensitive slicing, and employs the SMT solver Yices as its execution and verification engine. Extensive experimental results of a prototypic SOCA Verifier, using the Verisec suite and almost 10,000 Linux device driver functions as benchmarks, show that SOCA performs competitively to current source-code model checkers and that it also scales well when applied to real operating systems code and pointer safety issues. SOCA effectively explores semantic niches of software that current software verifiers do not reach

    Test Case Generation by Symbolic Execution: Basic Concepts, a CLP-based Instance, and Actor-based Concurrency

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    The focus of this tutorial is white-box test case generation (TCG) based on symbolic execution. Symbolic execution consists in executing a program with the contents of its input arguments being symbolic variables rather than concrete values. A symbolic execution tree characterizes the set of execution paths explored during the symbolic execution of a program. Test cases can be then obtained from the successful branches of the tree. The tutorial is split into three parts: (1) The first part overviews the basic techniques used in TCG to ensure termination, handling heap-manipulating programs, achieving compositionality in the process and guiding TCG towards interesting test cases. (2) In the second part, we focus on a particular implementation of the TCG framework in constraint logic programming (CLP). In essense, the imperative object-oriented program under test is automatically transformed into an equivalent executable CLP-translated program. The main advantage of CLP-based TCG is that the standard mechanism of CLP performs symbolic execution for free. The PET system is an open-source software that implements this approach. (3) Finally, in the last part, we study the extension of TCG to actor-based concurrent programs